A Description for my account
>Artifical.PHPA Fullstack PHP simple framework
>ARVentureA website for an AR Adventure Game
>AutoDjangoA CLI for making automated django files.
>CarRentCar rental management CLI, created with C Language
>DesktoPyA Library For Building Desktop Applications and Interfaces that is built on top of tkinter, customtkinter, and other libraries associated.
>DiscordTexterA discord bot that is connected to a web app as its database manager.
>FitTrackerA mobile app that allows users to track their exercises and gym improvement
>JavaQuizAppA quiz management desktop app made with Java
>MatjriAn e-commerce web app with a social media style
>MicroservicesStoreA simple microservices backend api made for learning purposes.
>MiniORMA Simple ORM For Java Made For Learning Purposes
>ParkFinderA web app that allows the user to find parking slots on various places
>PersonalSite>ResumeScale>SimpleBlogA blogs web app
>SkyJS>SoftwareHubA content (courses, articles, challenges, etc) creation web platform for software engineering topics.
>StoreManagerStore management system using Express API as a backend
>TODOableA Task Manager Web App created using React
>VirtualJSA simple library for building single page web applications with javascript.